Principal Desk
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Here is our principal welcome you with his a message for you.

Dr. Dimacha D. Mwchahary
Kokrajhar Govt. College, Kokrajhar
Like the beauty that emerges from the diverse colours of the rainbow Kokrajhar Government College has also an inimitable attraction for its composition of students hailing from different castes, communities, languages, religions and socio-economic backgrounds. The present mission of the college is working for the removal of the stigmatised tag “backward district” labelled to it from the perspectives of its socio-economic, demographic and educational status. Considering our surrounding condition, we have to be proud in transforming the people of the area from the level of backwardness to advanced one, and not in improving the already advanced people to be more advanced. I am well acquainted with the problems and prospects of the college from my long association with it as a student, teacher and being member of different bodies of the college affairs; I believe I will be able to utilize my experience to bring about an atmosphere in which people would embrace the institution as their own. It is our bounden duty to fulfil the aspirations of the founding fathers as well as to engage with the new challenges of the time for the successful completion of the missions of the college. It is our dream that the students and the local people reach a new horizon in education through an environment of mutual love, respect and cooperation within the college.
With best wishes,
Dr. Dimacha D. Mwchahary
Kokrajhar Govt. College