Events and Activities

Activities & Sports

In order to integrate the goals and objectives of the college with the academic programmes of the university the college ensures regular extracurricular activities like field trips, excursions, games and sports, community services (NCC, NSS), extended community service like organising seminars in the remote areas to remove superstitions and evil social practices, and also organises debate, quiz competitions, cultural shows, etc.
The region has a strong inclination towards games and sports and this inclination is reflected in the active participation of the students of the institution. The institution is aware of this fact and accordingly tries to facilitate students to flourish in this field. Many students of this college have played games at national and international levels. To sharpen this inherent talent along with other literary, fine arts and cultural aspects, the college arranges annual college week; facilitates participation of the students in different inter college tournaments and competitions. Talented students in sports and game are patronized to participate in various State as well as National Level events.
